Optimal design for a Fréchet copula marginal regression with exponential marginals

Document Type : Original Scientific Paper


Department of Statistics‎, ‎Razi University‎, ‎Kermanshah‎, ‎Iran


Modeling dependence using copula functions is a standard and widely used method in applied statistics‎. ‎In recent years‎, ‎experiments have been conducted in which several dependent responses are described by regression models‎, ‎and then experimental designs for these models have been carried out‎. ‎These regression models are often expressed as copula-based regression models‎, ‎so the copula parameters (if they exist) also affect the optimal design problem‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎we consider the dependence structure of a random pair from the exponential distribution conditionally upon a covariate as a regression model‎, ‎then investigate the D-optimal design for this copula-based regression model‎. ‎The copula function that is used is the Fréchet‎‎ copula‎. ‎The optimal designs obtained all have a general form depending on the selected design space.


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