Journal of Statistical Modelling: Theory and Applications (JSMTA) publishes original research papers in the area of statistical modelling, in one volume of two issues per year. JSMTA is a free-of-charge open-access peer-review journal.

  • Licenses: The JSMTA with license No. 3/18/3126365 dated 2017/09/04 Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, registration number 82013 dated 2018/06/18 of the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
  • ISSN: Print 2676-7392 and online 2716-9790.
  • Aims and Scopes: Great importance is attached to new developments in statistical modeling and the actual innovative applicability of the proposed statistical methods and results. Topics of interest include, without being limited to, multivariate analysis, high dimensional statistics and nonparametric statistics, categorical data analysis and latent variable models, reliability, lifetime data analysis and statistics in engineering sciences.
  • Reviewing Process: Articles will be preliminarily reviewed within seven days, notify the author, or be placed in the reviewing process. According to the Peer Review Flowchart, articles for publication in JSMTA should be approved by at least two referees. The duration of the process may take up to five months and can be tracked via the JSMTA site. 
  • Indexing: JSMTA is indexed in Google Scholar, National Journal Database (Magiran), Scientific Information Database (SID), and CIVILICA.
  • Social Networks: JSMTA can be followed through Linked-in and Academia.
  • Publication Ethics: JSMTA adheres to the publication ethics and malpractice policies outlined by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.
  • Plagiarism: JSMTA is strongly against any unethical act of copying or plagiarism in any form. All manuscripts submitted for publication to JSMTA are cross-checked for plagiarism using Turnitin or iThenticate.

Manuscripts found to be plagiarized during the initial stages of review are out-rightly rejected and not considered for publication in the journal. In case a manuscript is found to be plagiarized after publication, the Editor-in-Chief will conduct a preliminary investigation, maybe with the help of a suitable committee constituted for the purpose.

  • The published articles are open-access articles distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY-NC) license.
  • Authors' Obligations: All corresponding authors of accepted papers should fill and sign Copyright and Conflict of Interest forms, before publishing the papers.
  • Contact us: Authors and readers can contact the journal by using "Contact us" or sending an email to: 


Current Issue: Volume 4, Issue 2, July 2023 

Indexing and Abstracting